Saturday, June 1, 2019

Marshmallows Cone

Oh i really love this. Frankly not difficult to do unless you want to do some complicated designs. Learn this from BakeFresh but on my own I modified abit. Instead of using fresh egg white, I used meringue powder instead.

To keep in air-tight container, under
room temperature (3~5 days)
chiller (5 days)
freezer (3 weeks)

For the marshmallow:

1 egg white (large egg 65g, egg white ~40g)
  * one egg white = 2 level tsp of powdered egg white/ meringue powder PLUS 2 tbsp of warm water
30g castor sugar (SIS brand, very fine)

30g castor sugar
12g clear glucose
30g sugar

3 gelatine sheets (soaked with iced water, then squeeze off the water)
   * 2.5~3g/ sheet
1/2 tsp clear vanilla (optional)

Food coloring gel paste
i.e. yellow, red, pink etc
Piping bags

10 mini ice cream cones
Some white compound chocolate (melted - double boil method or microwave on low-medium heat)
Some sprinkles for decoration (optional)
note: to coat the inner cones entirely with the chocolate to prevent the cones to turn soggy

c) Corn flour
note: to cook the flour, put in the oven in any temp higher than 100 deg c, put in oven for about 5 min, stir and put back in oven for another 5 min
otherwise dry fry in the wok

1. Beat egg white and sugar together until glossy and stiff peak form.
low speed until foamy
add half the sugar and beat about 1 min
add remaining sugar and beat another 1 min
change to high speed to continue to peak until glossy and stiff peak form
note: perferably glass/ plastic bowl, avoid stainless steel - heat resistant

2. Combine sugar, glucose, water into a heavy base  saucepan. Cook over medium low heat until temperature reaches 118 ~ 120 deg c.
note: do not stir at all
Over open fire gas stove, make sure fire do not go above the syrup in the saucepan
Over induction cooker, 130 deg c
candy thermometer: put in the middle to measure temperature

3. Pour hot sugar syrup into meringue and use medium low speed to beat until well mix.
note: low speed in 3~4 parts

4. Add in  gelatin and vanilla, continue to beat with low speed until mixture turns glossy and thick.
note: gelatin sheet vs gelatin powder (9g) - sheet is more premium quality; powder quality not as good and stronger fishy taste
can add 4 gelatin sheets for more chewy texture
to melt, put in metal bowl over hot water

5. Divide mixture into desired amount and mix with colorings. Fill colored marshmallow into piping bags, ready to pipe.

6. Upon piping, let marshmallow rest for about 10-15 minutes in freezer.

7. Dust generously with some flour, use soft brush to brush away the excess flour.
note: it will take 3~5 hours for marshmallows to dry entirely

Royal Icing/ Candy Glass Cookies

My friend and myself had being going to 'baking' classes from BakeFresh using our Skills Future Credit. They do offer very cute interesting classes. The first class we went is Tsum Tsum Agar Agar Cake. Looks quite a challenge to do on my own hence till not had yet done it.

She had gone for another class on her own, Candy Glass Cookies and very generously shared the recipe with me.

Ingredients (For Royal icing)

400g icing sugar (sifted)
22g meringue powder

60g drinking water
1 tsp clear vanilla extract or any perference choice of flavouring (optional)

Food colorings (gel paste):
egg yellow, rose/ strawberry pink, turquoise, black and brown
black - charcoal powder

some drinking water

Piping bags and tooth picks

Edible black marker
Edible color dust for blush
Small brush

1. Combine icing sugar and meringue powder together into a mixing bowl. Mix well using low speed.

2. Add in vanilla extract then water, use paddle attachment to whip in low speed until well combined.
(If KitchenAid, use speed 3, handheld use low speed)

3. Increase to medium speed and continue to whip until the mixture is glossy and stiff peak form.

4. Transfer the icing into a clean air-tight container. (Can last in chiller up to 3 weeks)

5. Scoop some icing into a mixing bowl, add in coloring and mix until well blend.

6. Make two consistency mixture:
> outline consistency
> flooding consistency

7. Ready to use for cookies decoration

8. Dry the cookies into pre-heated warm oven at 45-50 deg c until icing is completely dry.

Ingredients (For Candy glass)

100g isomalt
10g water

Some colorful sprinkles
Some royal icing or white compound chocolate (melted)

1. Combine all ingredients into a heavy base saucepan. No need to stir.

2. Cook over medium low heat till isomalt completely dissolve and temperature reaches to 160 deg c. 100~130 deg c using convention cookier, if gas stove, use low fire.

3. Remove from heat and set aside for 1~2 minutes.

4. Arrange cookie sets on counter top lined with silicone mat, slowly pour melted isomalt into cookies' hole/ window.
Let it set completely before remove.
(Re-cook, go low 60 deg c)

5. Fill cookie base with one teaspoon of sprinkes, randomly piping some royal icing or melted chocolate, stack the other piece of decorated cookie on top and press gently to join.

6. Pack cookies into plastic bag and seal up.