Thursday, April 2, 2015

Mini Choc Chip Pancakes

This is a success. Both the guys love it.


125g or 1 cup all-purpose flour (I used cake flour)
25g or 2 tablespoons white sugar
10g or 1 tablespoon baking powder
2g or 1/4 teaspoon salt
1 egg
235ml or 1 cup milk (full cream fresh milk)
30g or 2 tablespoons butter, melted and cooled
85g or 1/2 cup miniature chocolate chips


  1. Sift flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt together in a bowl. Beat egg into milk in a separate bowl until thoroughly combined. Pour melted butter into flour mixture; whisk in milk mixture to make a smooth batter. Fold chocolate chips into batter.
  2. Heat a small nonstick skillet over low heat; pour about 1/3 cup of batter into hot skillet and cover with a lid. Cook pancake until browned on the bottom, about 3 minutes; flip pancake and cook covered until other side is browned. Repeat with remaining batter. (I used a soup spoon to scoop one spoon into the middle of the pan and let it cook for about a min, flip over. Remove it from pan in less than a minute)

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