Sunday, February 25, 2018

Honey Joys (Honey Cornflakes Cups)

Honey Joys (Honey Cornflakes Cups)

Adapted from
Always a hit amongst kids :)

2 tablespoons of honey
50 grams unsalted sugar
150 grams cornflakes, gently crushed to smaller pieces
coloured sprinkles

1. In a saucepan, melt butter and honey over gentle heat, until the mixture is frothy.

2. Pour the honey mixture into the crushed cornflakes, stir to coat the cornflakes evenly.
3. Spoon cornflakes into individual mini baking cases and top with coloured sprinkles. Bake at preheated oven of 150 Deg C for 10-12 mins, or until the cornflakes turn into a darker shade of golden. Once cooled, store them in airtight containers.

Dog German Cookies

German Cookies - Dog

Another recipe I took from this website.

This is less crumbly but I also intentionally added more plain flour than what's called for in the original recipe.

Taste wise as compared to the last, if my memory serves me right, the other recipe seems to taste better but definitely more crumbly.

125g butter, softened at room temperature (I used up my remaining block, about 187g Anchor)
40g icing sugar, sifted (I used 60g)
125g potato starch/ flour, sifted (I used 190g)
80g plain flour, sifted (I used 128g, as per the ratio should be about 122g but I up the flour)

I was lazy hence did not sift the icing sugar, potato starch and plain flour.

Koko Krunch for ears
Chocolate chips for nose (Author has a note not to use Hershey choc chips as they melt too easily)
Black Sesame seeds for eyes (Author has a note that indicate that the dough is too crumbly to use edible ink to dot for the eyes)

However, I took some dough from the above and mixed some chocolate powder in to make a small portion of brownish dough to form the ears, nose and eyes.
(I tried my friend Dog German Cookies with Koko Krunch, it will lose it's crunch - lou hong - which I do not quite like)

1. Preheat oven to 170 deg C (no fan). Line baking tray with grease-proof paper.
2. Use an electric mixer, beat the butter and icing sugar until light and fluffy, for about 5 minutes.
3. Add the potato starch and plain flour, and mix to form a soft dough. The dough should look sticky but soft enough to pinch off and roll into a bowl.
4. Roll the dough into small balls, arrange on the baking tray.
5. To decorate the cookie for the Year of the Dog:
I set aside some dough in a separate bowl. Add and mix some chocolate powder (abit at a time) into the dough to achieve the desired brown shade.
If you choose not to decorate, you may choose the traditional method of pressing the back of the fork on the dough to create the classic cookie design. Dip the fork in water before each use so the dough won't stick onto the fork.
6. Bake in preheated oven for 15-17 mins on middle rack (Change to setting with fan).