Sunday, February 25, 2018

Honey Joys (Honey Cornflakes Cups)

Honey Joys (Honey Cornflakes Cups)

Adapted from
Always a hit amongst kids :)

2 tablespoons of honey
50 grams unsalted sugar
150 grams cornflakes, gently crushed to smaller pieces
coloured sprinkles

1. In a saucepan, melt butter and honey over gentle heat, until the mixture is frothy.

2. Pour the honey mixture into the crushed cornflakes, stir to coat the cornflakes evenly.
3. Spoon cornflakes into individual mini baking cases and top with coloured sprinkles. Bake at preheated oven of 150 Deg C for 10-12 mins, or until the cornflakes turn into a darker shade of golden. Once cooled, store them in airtight containers.

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