Saturday, February 7, 2015

Almond Florentines

My bestie passed me some of her self-baked Almond Florentines. I love nuts and this is an addictive snack for me. So I asked her for the recipe and it was really easy. In fact the easiest recipe I ever tried.

She referred me to this website for reference.

Only difference is my friend added sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds.

100g Almond Silvers
30g Pumpkin Seeds
30g Sunflower Seeds
1/4 tsp of salt
50g of Florentine Premix (I bought mine from Phoon Huat)
Sesame Seeds to sprinkle on top

Preheat the oven at 170 degree celsius. (original recipe called for fan mode but my basic oven only have one mode/ function, so whatever mode I am using, I do not know)

Just throw in everything in a bowl and mix well.

Then spread them on a baking tray covered by baking sheet. Spread out evenly.

Sprinkle a pinch of the Florentine premix to any 'open' spot to ensure all covered. This ensures that the nuts will stick together.

Sprinkle Sesame seed on top.

Bake for about 6-7 min. However think my oven temperature tends to be higher so it usually is done about 2-3 min earlier for this instant. So better to keep close watch as it browns and burnt pretty fast.

Take it out of the oven to cool. If you want to cut the nuts sheet to break into nice straight pieces then need to cut it with scissors when it is still hot. Otherwise can just randomly break into pieces when cooled.

At one go, I baked 3 sheets. Yes, it was that easy. With each sheet, there was slight variation.

1st attempt: Everything less the salt (so purely sweet)

2nd attempt: Everything less the sesame seed (sweet with a tinge of salt)

3rd attempt: Everything (sweet with a tinge of salt and slight fragrance)

So if I were to do it again, I will do the 3rd attempt (1st one for my FIL who loves sweet things). And shall try to use the pizza cutter to cut to see if it's easier. Perhaps it's my skill, using scissors the sheet tends to break apart slightly. (OCD at work)

Some photos for my attempts.

almond, pumpkin and sunflower

adding in the florentine premix

mix them well          

spread out evenly on baking sheet

the ready product

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