Sunday, March 1, 2015

Almond Crisps

Since I have some egg white leftover from making the mayonnaise, I decided to give this recipe a try.

Recipe from food4tots again.

Almond Crisps Recipe
Source: Adapted and modified from Agnes Chan's Baking Make Easy (蓝赛珍,轻轻松松学烘焙) (*took it from food4tots)
Make: 26-28 crisps

2 large egg white (about 64g each with shell) (*normal eggs was used)
50g plain flour (*i used cake flour)
60g castor sugar (note 1) (*i used 55g)
30g butter (melted)
100g almond flakes
1/8 tsp vanilla essence (optional) (*did not add)

1. Thaw egg white at room temperature.
2. Sieve plain flour twice (*only did it once)
3. Melt butter with double boil method. Put butter in a small bowl, transfer to a saucepan filled with water. Heat the pan with medium flame until the butter melts. Stir occasionally. Set aside to cool down.
4. Line baking tray with grease proof paper (I used GLAD BAKE non stick baking and cooking paper) (*so am I!)
5. Preheat oven at 170 degree celsius. (*my oven was set at about 150 degree celsius instead)

1. In a mixing bowl, whisk egg white with a hand whisk until you see white bubbles. Add in sugar and beat in circular movement until the sugar dissolves.

2. Add in flour and mix till no traces of flour and lump-free. (*i used spatula to mix in the flour)

3. Use a spatula to fold in almond flakes until well-combined.

4. Stir in melted butter and mix well.

5. Spoon 1/3 or 1/2 tablespoon of mixture on the baking tray. Spread out into a round shape (about 2cm diameter) or any other shapes you like using a spoon (note 2).

6. Bake at 170 degree celsius for 8-10 minutes or until golden brown. If there is uneven colour among these crisps, rotate the baking tray towards the last 2 minutes (note 3). (*i used about 150 degree celsius for about 10-12 minutes).

7. Remove from the oven, leave to cool and then store into an air-tight container. (*i left mine from afternoon till night, then kept, it had already lost its crisps, so better to keep earlier).

1. I had cut down the original amount of sugar from 90g to 60g. (*I further cut to 55g).

2. The layer must be very thin and even (no overlapping of seeds) so it will be very crispy. You can spread the batter with either the back of the spoon or your wet fingers.

3. You may have to bake these crisps in 3 rounds. The unbaked mixture can be left in the room temperature.

4. If you want your almond flakes to be more flavourful, you can bake them in a preheated oven at 170 degree celsius for 10 minutes. Use a spatula to stir them once in every 5 minutes.

5. These crisps will become crispy and crunchy after they have cooled down completely.

6. If these crips have not turned golden brown after 10 minutes, then bake at 160 degree celsius for another 2 minutes. You can flip over the crisps when doing this step.

7. It is important to use quality parchment paper so that the crisps will not stick to the paper after baking. I used Glad brand.

8. If these crisps turn soft, you can reheat them for 2-3 minutes at 150 degree celsius in a preheated oven.

* I had refrigerate my mixture for about 30 minutes before spooning onto the baking tray.

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