Sunday, March 1, 2015

Chin Chow Drink

The boy is heaty but he does not want to drink barley. So I thought of Chin Chow as the alternative drink.

This, I got it from the market. For a big piece, only 50 cents. Cheap.

Chin Chow Drink Recipe

1 packet of Chin Chow Jelly
Honey/ Brown Sugar

1. Shred the Chin Chow Jelly to strips and set aside
2. With a container of water, stir in the honey and/ or brown sugar until all dissolve
3. Add in the Chin Chow Jelly, stir and chill in the fridge

Apparently I am not so good to come out with my own recipe because I did not bother with the measurement. Everything was just added and adjusted to suit my own taste preference.

Verdict, the boy does not like it. Sigh~~

Perhaps should we want a more precise recipe/ measurement, can refer to the following links instead.

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