Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Sandwiches - Egg Mayo and Chicken Mayo

The boys favourite... Egg Mayo!

Hard boiled egg (usually for my family of 4, around 3-4 eggs)

Cooked the eggs to hard-boiled and use the egg slicer to cut up the chicken to small pieces
Add mayonnaise and mix, make sure all eggs and mayo and evenly mixed.
Can add pepper and salt to taste.
Serve with bread.

Chicken Mayo
A recipe that I decided to try when the boy suggested sandwich for his class party. A search on the Internet did not render a recipe that I like so I decided to tweak them to suit me.

1 packet of chicken breast meat (approx 200g) - can cook quite alot, maybe can make about 10 sandwiches

1. Marinate chicken with garlic powder, salt and pepper and leave it for approximately 20 mintues.
2. Boil the chicken in a pot of boiling water until well-cooked.
3. After cooled, shred up the chicken. (frankly I shred until my fingers nearly cramped, later I saw on some video hack that you can use handheld mixer to shred up the chicken faster and easily)
4. Add in mayonnaise and mix. Pepper and salt to taste.

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